By day I work 60 hour weeks. At night I am a devoted father and husband to the world's greatest family. Somewhere in the non-existent time between the two, I am a writer. Join me from the beginning as I chronicle my adventures to become a successful published author.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 97 - Doing Awesome! - The Writing Report

I feel it is safe to say that I am officially back on track! I have been doing awesome with writing daily as well as blogging daily. The new format is working well, with the first few days being about the progress of my writing and efforts to improve myself, and the content steadily moves towards more feature rich. It's easier to slip into blogging each week, and for readers they know what to expect depending upon the time they (you) pop in.

I might also add that though I still need to update my progress bar for The Militia, I am actually at a little over 13% (which is roughly 2,000 words more than shown). I'll try and update it tomorrow.

More cool things will be happening soon. More blog hops, an author interview and book review, contests, etc.



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