By day I work 60 hour weeks. At night I am a devoted father and husband to the world's greatest family. Somewhere in the non-existent time between the two, I am a writer. Join me from the beginning as I chronicle my adventures to become a successful published author.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 6 - New Beginnings

Today, Blogger won. After having no answers about what they were doing, if anything about those of us whose blogs were semi-deleted in the outage, getting only one note days ago saying "We are aware of the problem", I decided to attempt to re-register my original blogger account, unsure of how it would work out seeing as how the blog still existed in Blogger Dashboard. As it turns out, it worked fine on the registering. Except now I have two different blogs in my dashboard, the new and the original, with the same URL but different content, one existing one not. It's a rather confusing state to be in honestly. On top of that, they could suddenly roll back the old one on top of this. No idea, but I am forging ahead. It is a new beginning.

They did this morning restore my second post. This is what gave me the courage to forge ahead, as I started a word document with my original posts in it just in case I lose them again in the future. I've gone ahead and reposted both of them in here as well as one I wrote yesterday to keep up with my blogging ambitions. It chronicles my adventures with Blogger these last few days.

Please note I did lose all my followers in this process and comments, so if you were following me before, you'll have to follow me again.

I did sit down and write a whole page yesterday (Sunday) on my thriller, 367 words. I was so proud of myself! I was busy, but pulled through despite the desire to be lazy and watch a movie. And those 367 words were quality too. A few false starts, but once I got the concept down, it just flowed. I would have kept going for several pages, but dinner was ready, and I can't resist that!

I have yet to write today. It's 11:27 PM as I write this sentence. I worked from 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM, then went to visit my mother at my parents home to talk about my dad. It was good, and I am grateful that I am able to help in these difficult times. Christina reminded me today that one of the promptings we had that helped us make the decision to move to Utah from our beloved Texas was that we felt we needed to be closer to my parents because they were going to have medical problems in a few years and it was important I was close enough to be the main helper to them in those times. It seems it has come, and I am playing the role first revealed to us four years ago. It is both comforting and heart-rending.

I will be writing at least one sentence as soon as I hit send on this blog post. I promise! I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.


If it's any consolation I've been blogging 2 or 3 years, and this is the first time Blogger's ever lost anything of mine. And it seemed to be systemwide issue based upon comments I've read on other blogs.

I've wondered if it's possible to get a book made out of my blog posts, just for me. That way I'd be sure to have it (unless the house burns down or Deer Creek Dam breaks. =D

Sometimes losing everything--or messing something up--is a chance to make it even better. Good luck to you (and great start)! I'll check back later :)

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