By day I work 60 hour weeks. At night I am a devoted father and husband to the world's greatest family. Somewhere in the non-existent time between the two, I am a writer. Join me from the beginning as I chronicle my adventures to become a successful published author.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Day 1,555 - Long nights

Writing had a rough five days. I had an appointment Friday, and realized I didn't have a document created for it. It is a complex one. I started working on it Thursday afternoon, and finished about 8:00 AM Friday morning, then went to the appointment and other ones too. I got 30 minutes of sleep right at 8AM, and that was it.

I am still recovering.:-)

I did manage to sit down and write today. Two sentences. I am still very tired, but happy to be priming the pump and getting back into it.


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