By day I work 60 hour weeks. At night I am a devoted father and husband to the world's greatest family. Somewhere in the non-existent time between the two, I am a writer. Join me from the beginning as I chronicle my adventures to become a successful published author.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 197 - I'm Still Here! Well, in Houston at least!

I could regal everyone with tales of horror and insanity surrounding the last three months. The move to Houston has been anything but smooth. We finally arrived late last Sunday (November 6th) and I am still in recovery mode, not to mention unpacking and setting up a new office. I am not fully settled in yet and still have so much to do. At the same time, I have been missing writing pretty badly. It's not to say some days I don't miss it, but overall I have these amazing (IMHO) stories racing around in my head and I need to let them out! AAAAAAAAHHH!!! So I am not quite ready to come back to regular 5-day a week blogging, but soon. And writing... that's starting tonight. Wish me lu...

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 110 - Something Big Happened

Okay, so you'll remember how on last Monday I blogger about how something big was coming, I could feel the Lord preparing me and he needed me running at full speed to make it happen. Guess what? The very next day, something big happened! I was offered the opportunity to open an office for our property management firm in Houston, Texas! And it needs to be open around November 1st. Christina (my wife) and I figured out most of the logistics and costs by the end of Wednesday, spoke with my parents because they'll be most affected by our departure, made a decision Wednesday night, and went to the Provo LDS Temple to gain confirmation of that decision, which we received! This is HUGE! It's also why I didn't blog Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday. There is a ton happening right now as we have two months...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 106 - Book Review of Double Deceit

A few housekeeping items first: 1) You will notice I didn't blog last night (Tuesday). As I blogged about Monday, I could feel something coming, something big. Yesterday, what that may be happened. I haven't actually slept and it's 4:23 AM. I've been up all night working on the details to see if it's doable... I'll let you know details when I have some answers! 2) Today is the book review for Double Deceit! Please visit her website at after reading my review. More...

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